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Boleng bo Phahameng bakeng sa Degree e Phahameng ea Hot Full Automatic MGO Board Production Line

Boleng bo Phahameng bakeng sa Degree e Phahameng ea Hot Full Automatic MGO Board Production Line

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Amulite MGO Board Production Line Ke Mohala oa Tlhahiso o Ikemetseng o Ikemetseng ke Sehlopha sa China Amulite Machinery Manufacturing, se Kopantsoeng le Tlhokahalo ea Bareki ba 'Maraka le Kantle ho Naha ka Lilemo Tse Ngata Phihlelo ea Ho Etsa.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Re totobatsa tsoelo-pele le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ncha 'marakeng selemo se seng le se seng bakeng sa boleng bo phahameng bakeng sa High Degree ea Hot Full Automatic MGO Board Production Line, Ho latela molao-motheo oa khoebo oa melemo e kopanetsoeng, re hapile botumo bo botle har'a bareki ba rona ka lebaka la lits'ebeletso tsa rona tse phethahetseng, lihlahisoa tsa boleng le litheko tsa tlholisano.Re amohela ka mofuthu bareki ba tsoang lapeng le kantle ho naha ho sebelisana le rona bakeng sa katleho e tšoanang.
Re totobatsa tsoelo-pele le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ncha 'marakeng selemo le selemo bakeng saChina MGO Board Production Line le Board Production Line, Boleng bo botle ka ho fetisisa le ba pele bakeng sa likarolo tse ling ke ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa lipalangoang.Re ka 'na ra khomarela ho fana ka likarolo tsa pele le tsa boleng bo botle esita le phaello e nyenyane e fumanoeng.Molimo o tla re hlohonolofatsa ho etsa khoebo ea mosa ka ho sa feleng.

China Amulite Group MGO Board Production Line
Amulite MGO Board Production Line Ke Mohala oa Tlhahiso o Ikemetseng o Ikemetseng ke Sehlopha sa China Amulite Machinery Manufacturing, se Kopantsoeng le Tlhokahalo ea Bareki ba 'Maraka le Kantle ho Naha ka Lilemo Tse Ngata Phihlelo ea Ho Etsa.Mohala oa rona oa Tlhahiso ea Boto ea MGO e Fetotse ka ho Fetisisa Theknoloji ea Mochini oa Boto ea MGO ea Tloaelehileng, Ho tlohella lifeme Tsohle tsa rona tse Fanoeng tsa Boto ea MGO ho Ntlafatsa Bokhoni bo Botle ba Tlhahiso, ho Ntlafatsa Ts'ebetso ea Ts'ebetso, ho Ntlafatsa Boemo bo Ikemetseng le ho Boloka Matla a Basebetsi, ho ba Bafani ba Sebele ho Indasteri ea Boto ea MGO. ;
Tebello ea Maraka ea Mohala oa Tlhahiso ea Boto ea MGO
Ho ea ka Lipalo-palo tse Amanang, Ka 1993, Indasteri ea Khabiso ea Naha ea China e ne e na le Project Volume Of 5 Billion USD, Ha e bapisoa le 6.5 billion USD ka 1994. E ne e le 7.5 billion USD ka 1995, 9 Billion USD ka 1996, le 11 Billion USD ho 1997, Hona joale ke 600Billion USD Chaena.Ho tsoa ho lipalo tse bonolo, palo ea merero ea mokhabiso e ntse e eketseha ka potlako selemo se seng le se seng, 'me indasteri ea mekhabiso le e entsoeng esale pele e tla fumana ntlafatso e ntseng e eketseha ea ho chaba ha letsatsi; , 'Me Indasteri ea Mokhabiso oa ka Hare-hare e Tla Tsoela Pele Hanyane.

Tšebeliso ea Lihlahisoa tsa Boto ea MGO le Lipontšo tsa Botekgeniki
Boto ea MGO le Boto e sa Chesehang li Tlatsoa ka Sawdust, Lekhapetla la Raese le Mahlaka a sa Tšoaneng a Semela (Khethang E le 'ngoe Kapa Metsoako), 'Me E Eketsa Lisebelisoa Tse 'maloa tsa Raw ea Lik'hemik'hale e le Lisebelisoa tse Fetotsoeng ka Mekhoa e Khethehileng ea Tlhahiso.Boto ea Lehlaka e na le Litšobotsi tsa Matla a Phahameng, Sehlahisoa se Seholo sa Boholo, se sa keneleng mollo, se sa keneleng metsi, se sireletsang tikoloho se setala, litšenyehelo tse tlase joalo-joalo.Ho na le Makholo a Merero a Lihlahisoa tsa Boto ea MGO, tse kang: Boto ea Beech e Etsisoang (e tšoeu), e khubelu (Black) Walnut Board, Oak Board, Pear, Flower Camphor Board, joalo-joalo MGO Board e ka Nailed, Sawed, Planed, Glued , Composite, Ha e bapisoa le Panel ea Lehong, Boto ea MGO e na le Litšobotsi tse Tšoanang tsa Kopo le Ts'ebetso.Le tse ling tse kentsoeng ka har'a mokhabiso oa ka hare oa mabenkele a mabenkele, lihotele, lireschorente, li-nightclub, liteishene, meaho ea liofisi, mabota a kamore ea ho phomola, mamati, lifensetere, mese ea lebota, siling joalo-joalo. , le likarolo.Boto ea MGO e theko e tlase ebile e na le boleng bo botle, 'me ke Sehlahisoa se Loketseng ho Fetola Liboto tse fapaneng tsa Mapolanka.
Lipontšo Tsa Botekgeniki Tsa Boto ea MGO Le Boto e sa Chesehang
1. Oxygen Index%: Ho Feta 90
2. Ho tuka ha Horizontal: SO
3. Mohaho o Mong: SO
4. Mongobo: 10.9%
6. Matla a ho Koba a Static: 169.46Mpa
7. Boima: T / M31.13
8. Ho hanyetsa Metsi: Ha ho Phofo ka Lihora tse 24, Ha ho Phetoho holim'a Sefahleho
9. Ha ho na Litšila Tse Tharo, Ha ho Tšilafalo, e Loketseng Tšireletso ea Tikoloho.

Likarolo tsa Amulite MGO Board Production Line
1. High Automatic Operation: The whole MGO Board Production Line E Laoloa ke PLC System, E Lemohang Automatic Template Loading, Automatic Coating Release Agent, Automatic Measurement, Automatic Sizing, Automatic Spreading, Automatic Flattening, Automatic Cutting, Automatic Repressing, Automatic Code, Mesebetsi ea Othomathike joalo ka Stacking, Automatic Demoulding le Automatic Trimming.
2. Phaello e Phahameng: Lebelo la Tlhahiso ea Mohala oa Tlhahiso lea Fetoha, 'me Phallo ea Shift e pakeng tsa 1500PCS - 2600PCS, e ka Fetohang ho ea ka Maemo a Maraka.
3. Litlhaloso tsa Boto ea MGO li ka fetoloa: Liboto tsa 2mm-40mm tsa lintlha tse fapaneng li ka hlahisoa.Haeba ho na le Litlhokahalo tse Khethehileng, Thepa e ka Eketsoa.
4. Mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea Lihlahisoa e ka Hlahisoa: Boto ea MGO, Boto ea Flue, Boto ea Composite Central Air Conditioning Ventilation Duct, Reinforced MGO Board, Vitrified Bead Particle Insulation Board, Polystyrene Particle Insulation Board, Partition Wall Board, External Wall Insulation Board Le Lihlahisoa tse ling. .
5. Fokotsa Mosebetsi: Mohala o Felletseng oa Tlhahiso o Laoloa ke PLC System, Basebetsi ba 6 ba ka Qetella Mosebetsi oa Tlhahiso ea Mohala Oohle, 'Me Matla a Mosebetsi a Tlase.
6. Phetoho e Nepahetseng ea Tlhaloso: E 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea Botenya ba Taolo ea Khatello ea Roller e Amohela Taolo ea Pontšo ea Dijithale, 'Me Lebelo la Tokiso le Potlakile.Litlhaloso tse fapaneng tsa Botenya li Lokisitsoe ho ea ka Litlhoko tsa Tlhahiso, 'me ho nepahala ha Tokiso ho Phahameng.
7. Ho itšeha ka mokhoa o itekanetseng le ho arohana: Mokhoa o bohlale oa ho itšeha o sebelisetsoa ho khaola lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa tse sa tšoaneng ho ea ka litlhaloso, tse fokotsang mosebetsi, ho ntlafatsa ho nepahala ha lihlahisoa, le ho etsa bonnete ba hore ho sebetsa ka potlako.
8. Automatic Cleaning Template: Mohala oa Tlhahiso o Hlomeletsoe ka Automatic Cleaning Template System, 'me Karolo e ka morao ea template e tla hloeka e le e ncha ka mor'a hore sehlahisoa se se ke sa sebetsa.Ka mor'a hore Sehlahisoa se Senyehe, Template e hloekisoa ka mokhoa o ikemetseng ka mahlakoreng a mabeli ka lisebelisoa tse khethehileng tsa ho hloekisa ka template ho netefatsa botenya le ho nepahala ha sehlahisoa sa boto.
9. Ho Laolla Boto e Ikemetseng: Ho Laolla Boto ea Bohlale ka Botlalo ho Fokotsa Matla a Basebetsi, ho Lelefatsa Bophelo ba Tšebeletso ea Moralo, 'me ho Fokotsa Tšenyo e Bakiloeng ke Batho Botong.
10. Automatic Palletizing And Packing: Ho ea ka Customer Litlhoko, Ho ka Lemoha Palletizing And Packing Of Multiple Specifications And Keng Leng ha Sehlahiswa Quantities.
11. Pokello ea Lerōle e Bohareng: Ho na le Lisebelisoa tsa ho Tlosa Lerōle le Lisebelisoa tsa Pokello ea Lerōle ho pholletsa le Tlhahiso le Mokhoa o latelang oa ho Qetella ho Etsa bonnete ba Tikoloho e Hloekileng ea Tlhahiso, ho Fokotsa Tšilafalo, ho Ntlafatsa Ponahalo ea Khoebo, 'Me Lerōle le Bokelitsoeng le ka sebelisoa hape le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhahiso.

China Amulite Group MGO Board Production Line03

MGO Board Production Line Process Machine Show

Setšoantšo sa PP

China Amulite Group MGO Board Production Line04

Automatic Loading Template

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Sistimi ea ho lekanya ka boits'oaro

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Automatic Feeding Material System

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Boto ea ho Etsa ka Boiketsetso

China Amulite Group MGO Board Production Line10

Ho Amohela Board Mold Cars

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Automatic Unloading 'me Arohane Template

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Automatic Edge Saw And Stacker System

China Amulite Group MGO Board Production Line02
Re totobatsa tsoelo-pele le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse ncha 'marakeng selemo se seng le se seng bakeng sa boleng bo phahameng bakeng sa High Degree ea Hot Full Automatic MGO Board Production Line, Ho latela molao-motheo oa khoebo oa melemo e kopanetsoeng, re hapile botumo bo botle har'a bareki ba rona ka lebaka la lits'ebeletso tsa rona tse phethahetseng, lihlahisoa tsa boleng le litheko tsa tlholisano.Re amohela ka mofuthu bareki ba tsoang lapeng le kantle ho naha ho sebelisana le rona bakeng sa katleho e tšoanang.
Boleng bo Phahameng bakeng saChina MGO Board Production Line le Board Production Line, Boleng bo botle ka ho fetisisa le ba pele bakeng sa likarolo tse ling ke ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa lipalangoang.Re ka 'na ra khomarela ho fana ka likarolo tsa pele le tsa boleng bo botle esita le phaello e nyenyane e fumanoeng.Molimo o tla re hlohonolofatsa ho etsa khoebo ea mosa ka ho sa feleng.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang